
RECENT reports of a secondary school student getting reprimanded over wearing a miniskirt to an official event off school grounds sparked controversy.

We asked the Tweeples if they thought there was too much emphasis on dress codes nowadays; whether young people obsess over what they wear; and also to discuss some of the crazy dress codes they’ve come across.

@AmaZayn_Zee: Yes. There is definitely much emphasis on dress codes. Students should be judged on academical achievements and not dress codes

@yinlixx: I think it does matter to a certain extent, as first impressions are important, maybe it’s a social norm!

@zomg_its_rin: They should have the rights to express themselves in any way, any situation.

@theAbygayle: Dress code is just peer pressure. It’s to impress their friends. So that they are like-able, so that they don’t feel left out.

@MissHoranHere: Of course not! Students should not be judged based on what they wear, instead, judged on their academical performance.

@Aina_Rashidah: I believe quality is better than looks. But I guess nowadays people look at what we wear than what we have in mind 🙁

@hannahwenshin: I think there should be a balance. I mean, doing well academically does not mean a person can dress as they like.

@DrS94: students shd be free to choose their dressing but if it’s a school event, their hv to rmbr tht they r carrying the sch’s name.

@pierreboobier: as long as you aren’t showing too much that it could be considered offensive it’s fine, in my opinion

@carmenc23: well maybe in school it’s not right to dress sexily. It’s school not the mall. but in college I think that’s ok (more mature)

@ghostgal23: it’s just an outfit, as long as you’re not dressed in lingerie, I think it’s okay. We’re not living in the Middle Ages 😛

@HazeemBorhan: I think dresscodes are a way to potray to people your discipline..So should be emphasized in academic places 😀

@madihah_mansor: appearance are important but not to the extend that it occupies our thoughts more than necessary.

@keeshchaos: Our appearance is always key to our own self esteem as well as the first impression of others 🙂

@hannahcyanide: I think it’s important to express yourself through what you wear but it doesn’t necessarily give others the right to judge.

@sapp1600: it’s important to dress the way we want to be addressed.

@OMGImNutz: To show everyone is the same in that certain area (school, etc) Like, background, social hierarchy and such don’t matter.

Here’s what our readers said in response to the question of what are the common dress codes, and some of the ‘stranger’ ones:

@serena_cheong: my uni was cool. I wore minis, tank tops, sundresses & even hotpants. Some of us wore PJs & nighties too. LOL

@fetchmyrevolver: My school: we can only use black rubber bands but we can wear coloured ribbons on top of them.

@monsquare: no 100% bald allowed.

@angelineng92: I wear black heels during my form 6 lol that’s the dress code for my school and it’s a gov school in KL lol

@AmaZayn_Zee: In my school which is an all girls school we HAVE to wear white or skin coloured top undergarment. Even have spot-checks on it!

@Lalala_Lyana: No jeans and nothing above the knee allowed for the bottom. No sleeveless for the top.

Tell us what you think!

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