We’re back with another one of our awesome young journalist camps next month!
IT’S been more than half a year since our last BRATs camp, and we’re happy to say we’re finally back!
The BRATs Ipoh & Taiping camp will be taking place on June 4-7 and we can’t wait to welcome the new batch of aspiring young journalists to our BRATs family. It’s our 21st year running this programme, so yeah, it’s a pretty big family.
Selected participants will be going on exciting field assignments, including a boat trip to Kuala Singga (where you might catch a glimpse of some pink dolphins), a visit to a traditional charcoal factory (an amazing place for photography), and a behind-the-scenes look at how dim sum is made at Ipoh’s famous Foh San restaurant.

The quiet fishing village of Kuala Singga, near Taiping, which we were told to used to be inhabited by pirates. The village, accessible only by boat, will be one of the many exciting field assignments for BRATs Ipoh & Taiping participants come June 4-7.
To help participants along the way will be journalists from R.AGE and photographers and videographers from The Star. They’ll be teaching them everything they need to know to be a multimedia journalist.
Most participants for BRATs Ipoh & Taiping have already been selected from our pre-registration earlier this year, but if you’re really keen to join the programme, feel free to email us at brats@thestar.com.my. We’ll also have two more camps later this year.
As for all our BRATs alumni around Ipoh and Taiping, do drop by on June 4! We’ll make a mini-reunion out of it =)
For more info on the BRATs young journalist programme, log on to facebook.com/starbrats or email us at brats@thestar.com.my.
Tell us what you think!