
HOW would you know if your friend/colleague/family member has ADHD/ADD? Here’s a list of symptoms to look out for, though the intensity may vary from person to person:

Core symptoms

– Inattention and memory problems
– Problems with time management and organisational skills
Comorbid and associated problems (consequences of the core symptoms)

– Poor social skills and interpersonal relationships (inability to maintain conversational topic, blurts out answers, interrupts other people, spaces out during conversations)
– Anxiety (restless in social situations, inability to wait in line, poor impulse control, outbursts)
– Low mood and depression (lack of ability to plan, start and maintain a project, lack of opportunity to experience a sense of achievement)
– Frustration, poor anger control (irritability and explosive temperament due to poor impulse control, low boredom threshold, inner restlessness)
– Sleep difficulties due to restlessness, hyperactivity, affective disorder
– Substance misuse (as a result of poor impulse control, risk taking behaviour, novelty seeking, some self-medicate)

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