
 Like our cover story today on young people and tattoos? Or perhaps you have a totally different opinion on it?

 Well, DJ Arnold Loh from Red FM, who sports a half-sleeve himself, will be talking about the topic this Friday night, so you get to tell him exactly how you feel about tattoos and tattooing.

 R.AGE will be working with Red FM from now on to help the young people of Malaysia have their opinions heard, even louder than before.

 Tune in to 104.9FM every Friday from 8pm, if you’re part of the growing voice of Malaysian youth who are not afraid to speak out on issues affecting the country.

 We’re starting out this week on whether or not tattoos are becoming more acceptable among young people in the country. R.AGE and Red FM will be working together to give you guys an even larger platform to voice your opinions and affect change on a wider range of issues that are important to today’s youth.

 So join our weekly #RAGEchat today (starting around 3pm) to get an idea of what the debate on tattoos is like, then tune in to Arnold’s show on Friday, when we’ll be tweeting live alongside him as well.

Tell us what you think!

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