
Hands up if you have trouble explaining to everyone on your favourite pastime.


Hands up too, if some people start judging you if you play Magic, World of Warcraft (either the online game, boardgame or card game), or any of the awesomely cool in a grande geeky way, boardgames.


Well, looks like it happens everywhere in the world. Case in point, the OKCupid dating site user who unwittingly went out on several dates with one of finest and most legendary Magic pros, Jon Finkel, and contributed her experience to the uber-cool website, Gizmodo. I love Gizmodo before, but this itself is a brilliant article on the website – if it only paints one side of the story. More tellingly, I thought the outpouring of comments was reflective of society’s views in general, towards us gamers.


Should we be so judgmental? Or do people have biases set deep, that it becomes pointless for us proud gamer geeks to give up our treasured pastimes?


I know I’m sticking to my Magic, WoW TCG and boardgames collections. So judge me! 😀


So what do you guys think? Do tweet me at or leave me feedback below!

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