
SWC08-cardfan-01(1)I’ve blogged before on how I’m steadily liking Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars Living Card Game (SW LCG). It’s grown on me I have to admit, despite certain kinks and dislikes I had (for one, not all the artwork was excellent I thought) initially.


But more plays on a single Core Set product has convinced me that the game can be pretty swift, is helluva easy to build decks from and has got some real legs in it.


This isn’t your meaty and deep game (I’ve read that Android: Netrunner is definitely deeper), but it can play like a swift one in which a couple of main characters show up, blow up stuff and end the game.


Props to FFG too for figuring out a clean and neat way of constructing decks. Instead of individual cards, there are six-card objective sets, which cannot be broken apart. That means a 60-card deck will have ten objective sets: easy and hard at the same time, since power “mains” like Luke, Yoda and Darth are limited to two copies per deck (you can’t have more than two objective sets per deck, unless it’s a unique one).


Well, I did announce to my gaming buddies that I’ll end up buying a set myself when they make a bounty hunter set. FFG must have been listening in, for they have just announced the Edge of Darkness Core Set.


Looks like I get to indulge in more capturing missions, Focus Token avoidance and “cheating cards into play”, says my favorite gaming company. Bossk is in (yes!) – wonder if his starship Hound’s Tooth in? Will there be Boushh? Will Cad Bane make an appearance too?

Can’t wait for more previews. The new stuff looks super wicked.


What are your favorite parts about the game? Do tweet me at or leave me feedback below.

Tell us what you think!

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