YOUNG people these days might be way more knowledgeable than before, but one thing they still don’t know enough about, funnily enough, is basic etiquette, according to etiquette coach Hor Phooi Sin.

At her workshops, Hor Phooi Sim, 25, educates students on the appropriate dress code for a job interview.
“We often think of etiquette as common knowledge, but that’s not the case in the environment we are now being brought up in,” said Hor. “Parents don’t emphasise the importance of etiquette, like addressing someone with the right title, or giving a proper handshake.”
And that’s why she decided to start her academy, where she educates young people on things like social and business etiquette, networking skills, social skills, job interview techniques and more.
One of the most common mistakes young people make during job interviews is using the wrong body language, said Hor. First impressions are made within 30 seconds, so you’d barely have time to speak before your potential employer makes his/her mind up about you!
“When you walk into a room, you need to look confident. And when shaking someone’s hand, you actually have to bow a little as a sign of respect. If you don’t, the other person might be offended, thinking you’re arrogant,” said Hor. “These are the little things to take note of.”
Hor is up-front about the fact that she is a self-taught etiquette coach, one who teaches young people based on her experience working abroad in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Her academic qualifications include a degree in entrepreneurship as well as an MBA.
“My clients have never doubted me. After watching the way I work and communicate with students at the workshops I’ve done around KL and Penang, they’re confident I’m the person for the job,” said Hor.
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