
Pokemon fans listen up: here’s your chance to be among the first to feel, and own, cards from the latest Pokemon Card Game expansion, Black and White.

Local specialty shop chain Comics Corner will be running a pre-release tournament on Saturday, April 23 at their Bangsar Village 1 branch. Yeap, pre-release means that you’ll be getting it ahead of everyone else!

The event starts 1.30pm sharp, so if you want in, do be there earlier! Entry fee for the event is RM70.

Seats are limited though, to the first 24 people who show up. So be there or be square, if you want to catch them all!

By the way, here’s a plug for Comics Corner’s very own Facebook page: it’s at There are plenty of regular events that happen in their different branches, so check back often for updates! The latest products that come in also get featured on their Facebook page, so check it out if you want to see if your favourite games are in or not.

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