
Lady Gaga is my favourite popstar. In August, three friends and I took a cab down to Singapore (its a looooong story) to catch her in concert.

That aside, I’ve followed her fashion sense on the various entertainment and celebrity gossip sites for maybe a year now, and like many, I don’t LOVE her fashion sense.

Although, in her newest video, ‘Bad Romance’, a very fashion-forward video, she wears a pair of shoes I love to wonder about.

They’re Alexander McQueen, here is one version:

Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen

How on Earth does anyone walk in those? Well Gaga does. In this video:

Don’t you just love her? Ooh, and recently, she appeared on Jay Leno in Bernard Chandran. How cool is that? Although, again, not sure if I LOVE the top.

Gaga and Leno

Gaga and Leno

Here’s a closer look:

A closer look at the top

A closer look at the top

Needless to say, this is one of the most decent I’ve seen her in. In one of my previous blog posts, I describe other stuff she wore at the concert.

Do you like Gaga’s style? Tell me what you think. Because while I LOVE her courage, uniqueness and confidence, some things should , be kept in the closet. Like those gawdawful painful shoes.

Tell us what you think!

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