
Trouble magnet

By SHARMILA NAIR OKAY, so how many of you saw Justin Bieber’s arrest coming? Well, like most of you out there, I did as well. There was only one way the whole Bieber fiasco, that many fans and haters have tolerated for over a year, could come to a halt – with an arrest, […]

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Virtual bystanders

By IAN YEE THE reaction on Twitter to Amanda Bynes’ all-too-familiar child star meltdown was as expected – lots of clever remarks, insults and, from her few remaining fans, counter-insults. Having just gone through a whole lot of research on the diffusion of responsibility theory (aka the “bystander effect”) for our cover story last […]

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Attention seekers

THE 2012 US presidential election wasn’t the only thing that made headlines this week. Celebrities were also up to their old tricks and gave everyone lots to talk about. For the win Twitterverse went a little crazy after Barack Obama was re-elected as the US President and celebrities joined in the celebration, tweeting their support […]

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Always in the news

By SHARMILA NAIR ANOTHER week has gone by and that just means one thing – there’s new gossip from Hollywood and we are more than excited to repeat them, yes? Prank gone right? That Justin Bieber sure knows how to get everyone’s attention. The 18-year-old singer caused a media frenzy earlier this week when reports […]

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More celeb news

WHAT would our lives be without some weekly dosage of crazy celebrity news? Absolutely, pretty boring. Well, it’s a good thing then that the Hollywood folks have been busy and the celebrities have given us plenty of things to talk about this time around. Here’s a roundup on what’s been going down in Tinseltown recently. […]

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Hollywood happenings

Sharm on the Scene checks in with what’s been going on in Tinseltown.

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Starting anew

THE new year is usually a time for new beginnings and resolutions. I could think of a few celebrities who could benefit from a few changes…

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Lindsay abandoned

Aww..poor Lindsay Lohan. The troubled starlet, currently in rehab at the Betty Ford Centre, was allowed to have visitors for the first time last Sunday.

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Not again, Lindsay…

Oh no…just when things seemed to get right for Lindsay Lohan, she went on to mess them up again.

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Lilo misses her fam…

Aww, poor thing. The girl is in jail and the one thing she wants the most is to hang out with her family…

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