LIKE almost everyone else in the world, I spent the whole of last week anticipating Prince William and Kate (or is it Catherine) Middleton’s wedding.
Watching the royal wedding on Friday was like watching a fairy tale come to life – the ceremony was beautiful, the bride was stunning and the groom was balding … I mean, dashing. It was just perfect.
There were those of us who secretly hoped that Will and Kate would break convention by doing a “JK Wedding Entrance Dance” (check it out on YouTube), or at least have the congegration do a flash mob to the The Black Eyed Peas’ I Gotta Feeling. But, of course, that didn’t happen.
What did take place was one of the most gorgeous weddings that will remain in our memories and hearts for a long, long time. Or until Prince Harry decides to one up his brother.
Anyway, let’s hope that Will and Kate’s marriage will last forever, unlike the ones we usually see in Hollywood: Married today, divorced tomorrow.
Here’s a rundown of some of the Hollywood marriages that we either love or wish would happen, as well as a few that should have never taken place.
Weird but sweet combo
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden: Remember thinking that the Nicole and Joel pairing was just a little weird? Well, the couple has been together for over five years now and got married in a lavish ceremony last December.
Not only has the union produced two beautiful kids, it has also toned down Nicole’s crazy antics (the things she used to do in The Simple Life were just stupid) and she’s reportedly even drug-free now.
Aww … good for you Nicole, and great job in handling the livewire Joel!
David and Victoria Beckham: Some of you probably screamed like giddy school girls at the sight of dashing David at last Friday’s royal wedding.
This faux-royal couple (their house in London is dubbed the Beckingham Palace) first met in 1997, while Victoria was still with the Spice Girls, and David was Manchester United’s golden boy.
They got married in 1999 and have three kids (they’re expecting the fourth, a girl, soon). There were a few cheating allegations (all involving David) that could’ve torn any marriage apart, but the couple ploughed through the hardship and are still as happy (and hot) as ever.
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom: This was a marriage that many Kardashian fans – and Khloe’s stepfather Bruce Jenner – thought would be over in less than a month.
No one expected the couple to stay together longer than they had dated (about six weeks), but they have now been married for almost two years.
The reality TV star and LA Lakers basketball player seem to still be in love, or at least that’s what you see on the show. Good job, guys.
Sharm says: I seriously think that the Beckhams should get a reality TV series of their own. I’d quit my job just to watch it everyday … or, maybe keep my job and watch the re-runs.
Yeah, right
Britney and Kevin Federline/Jason Alexander: One day the world woke up to the news that the princess of pop Britney Spears had a quickie wedding with childhood sweetheart Jason Alexander. Er, who?
That was the beginning of the downfall for Britney, who, after getting that marriage annulled, waited for eight months before marrying her backup dancer Kevin Federline.
They are divorced now, but not before having two sons together – Sean Preston and Jayden James.

HAPPIER TIMES: Looking at this super-sweet photo, it's hard to believe one is losing her marbles, and the other is obese.
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney: We love Renee Zellewegger, but when we heard that she had a secret wedding to country star Kenny Chesney, we were like, “What?” The next question was, “How drunk were they?”
Well, apparently the two had been secretly dating for four months before deciding that should get married.
It also took them four months to realise that they’re not so perfect together after all, and got the marriage annulled soon after.
Sharm says: Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be I guess.
Tie the knot already!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Need we say anything more? They are a good looking couple and are raising six kids together.
They also have three failed marriages between them so maybe they really shouldn’t get married after all.
George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis: George, the confirmed bachelor, has been with Elisabetta for almost two years and wedding bells are nowhere to be heard when it comes to them. Many say that the couple has been together this long (yes, two years is a long time apparently) because Elisabetta, too, is against marriage and that fits well with George’s agenda.
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis: Oh Johnny, the heartbreaker. He and Vanessa have been in a relationship since 1998 and have two kids together. Technically, they are “married” by common law.
While there have been various rumours that the couple secretly got married in France, neither Johnny nor Vanessa have confirmed it. The biggest thing that will be on everyone’s mind if this couple does get married is: “What will Helena Bonham-Carter wear to the wedding?”
Sharm says: How do I get myself invited to Brad and Angelina’s wedding?
Tell us what you think!